Go to Amalgama’s Blog
Amalgama’s Blog
At Amalgama we help companies since the ideation of a new digital product to its validation. Reach us in hello@amalgama.co // En Amalgama ayudamos a empresas desde la idea de un producto digital hasta su validación. Contactanos a hello@amalgama.co
Note from the editor

Amalgama is a digital consulting firm focused on helping enterprises and entrepreneurs to seize technology in order to build innovative products. // Amalgama es una consultora en innovación digital. Está enfocada en ayudar a empresas y emprendedores a aprovechar la tecnología para acercarse a clientes, mejorar procesos y crear productos innovadores. Nos especializamos en el diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles, aplicaciones web y juegos, pensados desde la experiencia de usuario.

Go to the profile of Amalgama
We are a digital consulting firm. We develop digital products that people love to use. Visit us at www.amalgama.co and contact us at hello@amalgama.co
Go to the profile of Gonzalo Amuchastegui Mayoral
Go to the profile of José Tedin
Go to the profile of Iñaki Amuchastegui
Iñaki Amuchastegui
Co-Founder & UI/UX designer at Amalgama // Freelance Photographer around the world
Go to the profile of Tomas Agrimbau
Tomas Agrimbau
Co-Founder & CTO at Amalgama
Go to the profile of Mauro Bender
Go to the profile of Ezequiel R. Aguerre
Go to the profile of Luciano Mintrone
Go to the profile of Ariel Martinez Viera
Ariel Martinez Viera
Flutter Developer | Backend Developer | Speaker | GDG Organizer
Go to the profile of Vera D'Angelo
Go to the profile of Jose Maria Salvadores de Arzuaga